Tiheru scholarship

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Learn more about Hourua Pae Rau

Deloitte is honoured to grow the future of rangatahi through our Tiheru Scholarship

Mimiti pakora te tai tapu ki Hawaiki
Ara rawa E!
Kawea au ki uta
Te Kohu-tirikawa E!
Kawea au ki uta
Ki te ahuru i uta, ki te tota i uta, ki te moenga i uta
E au ai taku moe E!

What is the scholarship?

Tiheru will cultivate mentorship and support young Maori studying towards a career in professional services. The recipients will develop deep relationships with Deloitte for the duration of their studies, offering ongoing support from the Hourua Pae Rau community as well as a paid summer internship.

Tiheru directly seeks out rangatahi Maori who are about to embark on their higher education journey. To reach these rangatahi, we will leverage our connections through Hourua Pae Rau, Iwi and Hapu connections to the firm, and our Deloitte Grow programme educators. Recipients will receive a monetary benefit which can go towards study and living costs.

Join our team, Hourua Pae Rau, as you navigate your studies into your future career pathway. Our team will support you on your voyage with access to Maori professionals who work for Maori communities, giving you insight into the possibilities of working alongside your whanau.

Tiheru recipients will receive

  • A contribution towards costs associated with studying,
  • PLUS an additional voucher to put towards technology,
  • Mentor, study and professional development support from Hourua Pae Rau for the duration of your studies,
  • Invitations to connect with our team and communities through attending our noho marae and events, and
  • Opportunity to interview for a paid summer internship at Deloitte.

Meet Hourua Pae Rau | Our Maori sector team

Meet our Hourua Pae Rau leaders
A ha toiamai
Te Waka!
Ki te urunga
Te waka!
Ki te moenga
Te waka!
Ki te takotoranga ai,takoto ai
Te waka!